Why Canada is the best country for immigration

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Here is why Canada is the best country for immigration and it has emerged in the top 3 positions in the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index (NBI) in November 2019, beating the United Kingdom which was in 4th position. This rating takes into consideration factors like

  • how ideal the destination is for investments
  • how good the place is for immigration
  • exports
  • culture
  • governance.

The ratings were given based on over 20,000 adult respondents in over 20 countries.

This (ranking in the top 3) further stems Canada’s position as an ideal place for students and professionals to migrate to.

What’s more, Canada was rated number One in the immigration and investment category for the second year in a row.

The immigration & investment score considers the following factors:
– work and life
– quality of life
– educational qualifications
– business investments
– equality in society

Also, participants of the research were asked to give the 50 competing countries their “personality traits”.

Canada was perceived as friends by 39% of the respondents, trustworthy by 30%, happy by 29%, and generous by 19%.

The ranking is a testament to Canada’s consistency in putting quality of live, good governance, equality and economic opportunity at the forefront of their agenda.

There are many reasons why we feel Canada is the best country for immigration:

1) It has a vibrant economy: As one of the richest countries in the world, the standard of living you can expect in Canada is at par with any top country on the planet.

2) The support you get for healthcare: Canada has always believed healthcare to be a fundamental right of all human beings. The quality of healthcare is among the best on Earth, and everyone can get access to the medical care they need. Assistance programs are available for the wellbeing of the people of this great country.

3) Education: Primary and secondary education is state-of-the-art, and some of the world’s best universities and institutions are in Canada.

4) Great Food: With its rich migrant population, Canada offers a wide variety of options for food-lovers. You can get authentic tasting food from nearly any part of the world in Canada, and there are many local favourites (like its own style of pizzas!) that food-lovers enjoy.

5) Nature: The beautiful scenery and lovely settings available in so many places in Canada makes it a breathtaking place to live. Beautiful lakes, mountains, waterfalls (including the majestic Niagara) and oceans make this a nature lover’s dream. It is filled with tourist attractions and uninhabited, raw nature.

6) Culture: We have saved the best for the last. Canada’s cosmopolitan, friendly and diverse culture makes people fall in love with the place. It is an example in tolerant living, justice, harmony and equality. It’s also one of the safest countries in the world.

If you are interested in migrating to Canada, don’t forget to register for the free assessment by Ace Migration Services. The process is simple and easy and will only take you a minute. Also our comprehensive support and track record can be seen clearly from the many testimonials for our services.

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