Why Canada


For many years now, Canada has been welcoming about a quarter of a million new Permanent Residents each year. For people with skills, work experience and a good standard of English or French, qualifying for residence is not a huge barrier. Once accepted, you can take pleasure from the fact that you will be free to live permanently in a country consistently rated by the UN as one of the world’s best country to live in.

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Furthermore, Canada is the world’s second biggest country, rich in natural resources including oil reserves.

Canadian Government focuses on the welfare of the new immigrants and hence new immigration programs are running and introduced as per the requirements.

If you are bringing children to Canada, we are sure your focus is their education and upbringing in a safe environment.

The OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) compared the performance of school students in 65 countries in mathematics, reading and science; and they have concluded students in Canadian schools performed better than students from any other English speaking country.

Canada offers one of the best health care system social benefits and child care in the world.

As a permanent resident, you have the right to get most social benefits that Canadian citizens receive, including tax benefits, health care coverage, free child care, and access to affordable world class post-secondary education, which is financed and subsidized by both the federal and the various provincial governments.

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